Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lauren's Author Party

Lauren reading Mom Getting Sick.

Mrs. Estrada, Lauren, & Mrs. Oster Lauren's very well behaved class.

You have all heard me talk about how awesome Lauren's teachers are. This year they taught her class the writing process. Part of this process included coming up with a topic that was personal to each child and having them write a short story about it. They spent many weeks on the writing process. Then they published their books with illustrations and bound them in a hard back cover. Last Monday the parents were formally invited to attend the unveiling of the stories at an Author's Party. It was held in the school library. The children were asked to dress up in dressy clothes for the event. After the parents were seated, the entire class of 33 filed in very orderly and sat down in their assigned seats. Then each child took a turn going to the podium to present their personal story. Lauren's story was titled Mom Getting Sick. It was a sweet and tender rendition of last Fall when I was diagnosed with my cancer. I sat there as she read with tears coming down my face and a heart that was so proud that she was such a brave and intuitive little girl. Once she was finished reading, her teacher commented how difficult that story was for Lauren to write and how proud she was that she was able to share her feelings. They served us a very nice brunch afterwards. It was a special event that I am grateful I was able to attend.


Barlow Fam said...

Wow, what an amazing girl you have. That will be a treasure for both of you over the years. : )

Lisa Dean said...

I can't read about that story with out crying myself. I love Lauren, what an amazing strong little girl, just like her Mom.

Cara said...

That is so touching, you have a very special little girl.

Angie said...

Lauren is amazing just like her Mom. I would love to read her book.

I just put my makeup on and now need a redo after the tears just fell from my eyes. So touching.

Stephanie said...

I haven't even read Lauren's book but just from what you wrote, i'm already crying! Lauren is amazing!! What a great example she is for your other kids.

Emmie-Lew said...

Lauren is awesome! I want to read the book, too. I'll bet there wasn't a Mom there that wasn't crying. She's such a sweetie!